“The implementation of LEAN Construction improves: productivity, cost, quality, safety and time, and has more capacity to react to the increasingly frequent changes in the market, delivering greater value to the customer”

Juan Felipe Pons

LEAN Construction Consultant

At ROIG we integrate LEAN methodology into the management of our projects. A system based on collaborative work, where all the agents involved in a project work with a global vision and clear goals to plan thoroughly, optimise resources and talent, and control production and final delivery.

LPS, BIM and IDP: the LEAN Construction

The LEAN methodology involves working with different tools such as the Last Planner System (LPS), the Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).


The Last Planner® System is based on commitments. It is a system in which the last planners measure and analyse the level of compliance with the level of fulfilment of their commitments on the weekly production plan, constraints are identified and resolved. Non-value adding activities are eliminated and the root cause of problems are analysed, which helps to generate a continuous flow of work and rapid learning.

The Last Planner® System starts with a master schedule and continues with different planning phases – phased planning, intermediate planning, weekly planning – during which there is a continuous learning process.

Last Planner® System, a system based on 5 elements

01. Methodology

Its implementation follows a clearly defined step-by-step approach.

02. Standards and tools

This implementation requires standards, routines and regular planning meetings and tools.

03. Continuous improvement

It involves a process of continuous improvement, periodically measuring a series of indicators, analysing the root cause of problems and taking a series of actions when results are not as expected.

04. Organization

04. Organization For its implementation requires an organsational structure and an allocated time commitment.

05. Mindset

The Last Planner® System requires a change of mindset from traditional project management.

Technology and digitalisation in the collaborative construction services

The innovative working method BIM (Building Information Modelling), which, through a digital platform and by means of work tools in 3D format, integrates and centralises the updated information of all the agents involved in the project.

BIM also allows to make modifications in real time, automating all the parameters and in result, increasing considerably the customisation and adaptation degree of the project to the client’s needs.


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